Be Still and Know that I am God

It is time to quit running around and be still. Be still and know that I am God. Be. Just be.

All I ask is you trust me. Be still, be quiet. Rest in me.

There is a feast you have been invited too yet you are so busy to enjoy just being in My Presence.

Be still. I want to talk with you. I want to show you My love. I want to fill you with My love for there are many in need, but for now you must be still.  

Rushing waters are ahead and they will seem to overwhelm you though they will not, you need to draw strength from me, for I tell the truth the waters ahead are too much to handle in your own strength.

Come to me, draw strength from me. I can carry you over all the difficulties you cannot do this on your own.  

Come; let me part the waters for you to walk on dry land. Come away to a quiet place of resting and worship me in spirit and truth. Let me heal those deep inner wounds that hinder you trusting me. You can trust me I will not harm you.  

Rebellion is rising and will come from each corner of the earth, a great tempest is brewing.

Satan is out to bring harm to my dear children and you cannot do this in your own strength.

Come into my sanctuary, come into the Holy of holies and there you will find me ready and waiting to strengthen you.

For it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit. You need my spirit. You need to walk in my Holy Spirit and not the flesh for you are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness.

This is not the time to trust in your own strength, truly I tell you draw near to me and draw your strength from me.  

Come ….. Come …..

Come…. Come….  

Shofar girl